Sunday, July 28, 2013

A wonderful gift

do good stitches quilt for E

As I mentioned in my earlier post, Esther received a lovely gift of a baby quilt made by the members of my do.good stitches bee, the love circle.  I so enjoyed the creativity that goes into the bee and the challenge of making different blocks each month, especially when the quilter for the month gave us some room to play around.  So the lovely quilt that Natalie coordinated, pieced together and quilted for us is so special to me... not only because its so beautiful in its own right but because it means so much to me to get to have a quilt that really represents how special and creative this bee is.

back of do good stitches quilt for E

I love the scrappy back almost as much as the front - I have to use both sides so we don't miss out on this awesome star!

E on do good stitches quilt.22

The quilt seemed so big when Esther was just a few weeks old but she is getting so huge it no longer seems big at all!  Its the perfect playmat (and great for the two of us to snuggle up under, too).

E on do good stitches quilt - 4 months 2

Huge thanks to all the bee members who contributed blocks and especially to Natalie for making it happen!  If any of you all area reading I'd love to hear who made which stars...

E on do good stitches quilt - 4 months


  1. so cute, really wonderfull :D

  2. A beautiful quilt and Esther is so adorable!!

  3. It's a beautiful quilt and has such movement...and well Esther is just very very special. So adorable!

  4. Esther is as sweet as her quilt! So beautiful quilt and just perfect for an adorable little girl! x Teje

  5. This is one of my favorite baby quilts EVER! I love how all of these different sized star blocks were fit together with coping strips. It makes the finished quilt so much more interesting than it would have been if all the blocks were sized the same, and it works really well with the bright and cheery scrappy fabric choices. Of course the quilt looks even more amazing with that perfectly precious little baby on it... :-)

  6. a sweet quilt for a beautiful child. How fortunate you are to have such dear friends


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