
Thanks for coming to my blog!  Here is some more information about my policies for use of my photos/tutorials and other general information related to the site.   Feel free to email me if you have any questions.

Use of Photos/Text from Site
All rights are reserved on all photos and text on this site with the following terms:
  • You may repost up to 3 photos from a post if you are referencing that post or the project or recipe contained in that post.
  • You must include a link back to the post in question when reposting a photo or photos.  It is not required but I would also appreciate a comment or email to let me know that you are reposting my photo/photos or linking to one of my projects.
  • You may not repost a tutorial or blog post in whole under any circumstances, nor may you distribute hard copies of posts or tutorials from this site.
  • If you wish to repost photos or use text from my site for any reason other than to refer to a post, project, or recipe, you must obtain prior written permission from me.
  • Note: other bloggers have my express permission to copy/reuse any and all text from this policies page if they find it useful in creating their own policies.
Use of tutorials/patterns
Terms for use of tutorials and patterns on this site are as follows:
  • Free tutorials and patterns for sale on this site are for personal use only and may not be used to produce items for sale without prior written permission; please contact me if you are interested in producing items for sale and we can work out a licensing agreement.
  • You may not sell or otherwise distribute hard copies or electronic copies of free tutorials from this site or of patterns sold on this site.  If you wish to teach a class or work in a group on a tutorial from this site, you may send the link to the tutorial out electronically and each individual can print a copy for their own use.
  • As mentioned in the section above, you may repost up to 3 pictures from a post if proper photo credit is given with a link back to the appropriate post.
Comment policy
I love to hear from readers and other bloggers!  Thanks to all who take the time to leave a comment.  Here are my policies on comments:
  • While constructive criticism and differing viewpoints are appreciated, negative, hurtful or mean comments will not be tolerated.
  • I reserve the right to delete any comment that I feel does not abide by the point above, or for any other reason as I see fit.
Information on Advertising/Affiliate Relationships 
I have a few advertising/affiliate relationships, which help to support this blog:
  • This blog may display Google Adsense ads.
  • I have an Amazon affiliate relationship, which means that any purchases from Amazon made through links on this site help to support the blog.
  • I clearly disclose in a post when I have received free products/books to review or if I have received any form of compensation related to a post.
  • I do not have any other sponsors at this time but may have site sponsors at a future date.
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