Monday, December 05, 2011

Drunkard's Path QAL - Winners!

Thanks to everyone who joined in our QAL and thanks to Kristie for being an awesome partner in crime (er, curves)!  I loved seeing all your quilt tops (and finished quilts - you guys are way more on top of this than I am!) - if you didn't see them yet, check out all the links here.

Thanks again to our lovely sponsors who donated the prizes... now it's time to draw our winners!

The winner of the fat quarter bundle of Tula Pink's Prince Charming fabric donated by The Fabric Shoppe is:

Alli at B. Yazoo, and...

The winner of the $40 gift certificate from Fresh Squeezed Fabrics is:

Beth at Sewing for Sanity!

Yay, congrats to both of you!  We'll be in touch to get you your prizes.

{This post is part of the Drunkard's Path Quilt-Along that I am hosting with Kristie from OCD.  Check out my Drunkard's Path QAL page for the schedule and links to the posts so far, and feel free to join in any time!}


  1. Well done both and thank you to you and Kristie for hosting the quiltalong

  2. Congratulations to the winners!! Thank you both again for the great QAL :)

  3. Thank you for hosting this fabulous quilt-along! And thank you to the sponsors for the lovely prizes! :)

    Gratz to Beth, too!


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