Friday, April 22, 2011

Do. Good Stitches April Bee Blocks

I am super excited to have joined the Love circle of the do. Good stitches charity quilting bee!  I had been thinking about joining a quilting bee because it seems like a great way to meet other quilters and to try out new techniques and color schemes that I might not otherwise try... but I was not sure I wanted to join a full-on bee where I would have responsibility for designing and quilting one month.  So I am thrilled to have joined this bee as a stitcher, where I get to sew fun new blocks each month and don't have to worry about being the designer/quilter at any point (at least not yet, maybe later I will be ready to be a quilter in this bee!).  I also love that the quilts are all made for charity, and are given to kids in need of a special quilt.  Plus, the quilts that the different circles in this bee have been making are just gorgeous - check out the Flickr pool if you are looking for some inspiration!

I was also excited to see that Natalie from Greenleaf Goods was the quilter designing the blocks for my first month with the bee!  I have enjoyed reading Natalie's blog and getting to know her a bit online, so it was wonderful to be starting with someone who is already a friend.  She has a great sense of color and design so I wasn't surprised that the block design and colors she picked were just beautiful.  Someone in the group described them as sherbet colors with all the greens, yellows, oranges and pinks and I agree.

I had fun sorting through my scraps and fabrics in my stash to find ones that fit the bill.  I can't wait to see how the whole quilt looks together and what the blocks are for next month!


  1. those colors are yummy and I love the blocks.

  2. Very cool! I've seen several of these blocks and I'm loving this color combo. So lovely for spring!

  3. Thanks so much for mentioning this..I`ve just joined the waitlist as a you, I don`t feel up to designing and organizing but would love to make some blocks. Love the zesty colours of the blocks!

  4. Hi Kate! These look amazing!! I love some of the fabrics you chose to include in the blocks, I think the variations in fabrics will look so good overall! I am so excited to see blocks other than my own, and I know they'll look great with the rest of the quilt. I know I'm feeling impatient, but I can't wait to get them all and see them all together! Nice work :)


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