Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Work in Progress Wednesday

Drunkard's path progress

Unlike last week, I actually did make a bit of progress on my Drunkard's Path Quilt (last seen here), although not as much as I had hoped.  I finished making the curved sub-block square pieces (is there a better term for them?) for all but one of the 9 quilt blocks.  I am hoping to finish piecing this quilt top in the next day or two so that I can get started on my Kaleidoscope QAL quilt already!


One reason that I didn't make as much progress as I had hoped on the quilting front is that I got totally distracted by making little kid t-shirts.  The too-small tank tops that I was planning to reuse turned out to be too small to even make a toddler t-shirt (makes me feel better that they didn't fit me, they really were pretty small!), but I had some interlock in my stash that worked to make a size 4 t-shirt for Project First Day using the free pattern from fishsticks design

I had so much fun making this that I went back and purchased the Charlie Tee pattern in the smaller kid sizes, and also the Rockin' Raglan pattern in smaller sizes (although I haven't made any of that one yet), and made up a number of 18 month sized tees for my nephew, mostly out of repurposed/upcycled materials.  The patterns are great, very well explained and quick, especially once you have assembled, traced and cut out the pattern pieces.  The pattern suggests using interlock or stretch ribbing for the neckband rather than jersey, but I found that the stretch jersey from my old tank tops was definitely stretchy enough to use for this, so that was good.  I am planning to do freezer paper stencil designs on all of these, and hopefully make a few more for Project First Day too (I have to find some more knit fabrics to work with first - I'm planning to take a trip to the thrift store and see if I find anything good to repurpose).

SUTK received!

I was super excited to receive my swap items from the Spicing Up the Kitchen swap yesterday, from Holly at Binkwaffle (she's on Flickr here).  I felt a lot better about sending off the placemats that I had made because my partner, Alison at Little Island Quilting, really likes them and it was so lovely to get this nice package of placemats AND an apron myself.  They are super in line with the things I put in my inspiration mosaic - lots of greens (my favorite!) and blues, and some cute kitchen toasters and blenders tossed in too.  Thanks so much Holly!

The Sewing Summit

I am also thrilled that now that we know we are moving to Oregon in August/September I was able to register for the Sewing Summit!  I can not tell you how excited I am to get to meet lots of my online blog friends in person and learn about great sewing stuff - I had such a hard time picking which classes I was most interested in when I registered, they all looked so great!  OK, these last two items really weren't WIPs but I was too excited not to share :)

I'm linking up again to WIP Wednesday over at Freshly Pieced:

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. I can't wait to see your Drunkard's Path quilt come together it's looking great!
    Also so glad you are going to be at the Sewing Summit!!

  2. I like the drunkards path quilt. the fabrics are lovely. I might check out that T-shirt pattern. They look great!

  3. Your drunkards path quilt has made me want to try one. This layout is divine!

  4. Those are super cute little t-shirts! Congrats on finalizing your moving plans! That's so wonderful for you guys. :)

  5. very nice shirts!! I love the DP,and the colors you are using.

  6. Oh yay, I'm so glad you're going to the Sewing Summit!!! We'll have to meet up for coffee or something :) I love your Drunkard's Path sub-blocks, they are just gorgeous. And lucky you - what a great swap package!!

  7. I love the drunkards pieces. How did you sew them, from the centers or did you use the wonder tape to keep it together?

  8. Your drunkards path blocks are looking wonderful! And those are lovely placemats you received.

  9. Drunkards path is a pattern that seems so scary, but your blocks are lovely! Good going!

  10. Your Drunkards Path is looking great. And I can't believe you made t-shirts! That's awesome!

  11. LOVELY colors on your drunkard's path! Just beautiful. Can't wait to see it complete!

  12. On how I made the drunkard's path sub-blocks - I sewed them similar to the wonky drunkard's path tutorial on my blog, but I just cut the pieces out a bit more carefully and then trimmed them down to the correct size. I am planning to do a more thorough explanation/tutorial in the future but hopefully that is helpful for now!

  13. I love your Drunkard's path blocks, the colours are so vibrant.
    I love the placemats and apron you received, and I really like the ones you sent to Alison too, I saw them on her blog.

  14. Everything looks great-- I love the t-shirts! And your swap items look really nice :)
    Also, I'm SO EXCITED about the sewing summit! Hooray!

  15. Can't wait to see the drunkard's path. Also great swap!

  16. Love your drunkard's path blocks - gosh, they look so perfect! That's awesome that you're going to the Sewing Summit - I am SO excited!!! Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )


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