I may have mentioned that lots of folks we know are having babies... which means I get to do lots of baby gift crafting, very fun. I am also hosting a tea party (of the non-political variety, phew) for a few friends who are having their second babies this summer. I have been wanting to do more stamping and printing so I thought this would be a great opportunity to carve some fun stamps and use them to make the invitation.
Although I ended up using linoleum blocks to carve because that was what I had on hand. I actually did a lot of printmaking as a kid, and have done a little in the past few years, but it was very fun to get back into it more and play around with figuring out how to get the prints to turn out how I wanted. Also I recently got a great printmaking book, Print Workshop
I had a lot of fun designing this because I have spent a lot of time thinking about teapot and teacup shapes and sketching them, as part of the design process for making pots. Teapots are one of my favorite things to make, I actually did a post earlier about how teapots are constructed. For this design, I did a pretty traditional shape for a teapot but I have all kinds of ideas of other ones that would be fun to print... I am hoping to make a series and maybe make sets of prints out of them or print them all on a single sheet. I am also hoping to try out some blockprinting/stamping on fabric so I will report back on how that goes. I have done screenprinting before (like these tote bags I made for my wedding) but haven't tried these other techniques on fabric, so I am looking forward to it!
So, as usual, I am overrun by ideas of what I want to make next, but I am also trying to just enjoy how this turned out. Whatever future life this idea takes, it makes a very nice tea party invite for now, I think.
Have you ever done printmaking on paper or fabric? Do you make homemade cards?
I just discovered your blog - really like it :)